

TAROT cards, transliterated from the word “tarot,” are known as “the mysteries of nature.”

It is an ancient Western divination tool, popular in Europe since the Middle Ages, its origin has always been a mystery.

Tarot card is one of the most ancient and mysterious divination methods in the West, it has strong accuracy and diversity, and is still one of the most widely used divination methods in the world.

Tarot has a total of 78 cards, of which 22 are large Arcana cards and 56 are small Arcana cards, which can be used separately for divination, or 78 can be mixed together for divination.

Minor Arcana cards are used to make up for the deficiencies of major Arcana cards.

If you want to know more about the truth of fate or other things, or want to know more about where and when things happened, you must be informed by the small Arcana card.

The character cards, which are composed of attendants, knights, queens and emperors, are also called Court cards.

TAROT cards, transliterated from the word “TAROT”, are known as “the mysteries of nature”.

It is an ancient Western divination tool, popular in Europe since the Middle Ages, its origin has always been a mystery.

Tarot card is one of the most ancient and mysterious divination methods in the West, it has strong accuracy and diversity, and is still one of the most widely used divination methods in the world.
Tarot has a total of 78 cards, of which 22 are large Arcana cards and 56 are small Arcana cards, which can be used separately for divination, or 78 can be mixed together for divination.
Minor Arcana cards are used to make up for the deficiencies of major Arcana cards.
If you want to know more about the truth of fate or other things, or want to know more about where and when things happened, you must be informed by the small Arcana card.
Among them, the character cards composed of attendants, knights, queens and emperors are also called Court cards, copper coins, Chinese words, Pinyin is tong qian, which is a kind of ancient currency.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, with the development of commodity economy, the metal weighing currency that was to be divided and identified in circulation gradually did not adapt to it, and was replaced by metal coinage.
Most of the ancient coins in ancient China were cast in the form of copper alloy, and square-hole money (copper coins) was the most common kind of ancient coins.
Since the issuance time and circulation are much longer than other types of coins, the concepts of square hole money and ancient Chinese coins are often equated.
Compass Compass, also called compass, geography special instrument, is also used for feng shui detection tools, the qi school commonly used operating tools.
The compass consists of a mirror, a sighting ink-stone, a magnetic needle, a horizontal dial, a vertical dial, a vertical scale indicator, a vertical level, a chassis level and a leveling bubble, and a magnetic needle fixed spiral, etc. The end of the compass magnetic needle winding the copper wire is the S-pole (South Pole), and the copper wire winding is to keep the compass magnetic needle level in the three-dimensional space magnetic field of the earth.
The ancient Chinese believed that the aura of man is controlled by the aura of the universe, and harmony between man and the universe is good, while discord between man and the universe is bad.
Therefore, by experience, they put all levels of information in the universe, such as the stars in the sky, all things on earth represented by the five acts, and the sky and the earth, on the compass.
The Feng shui master uses the rotation of the magnetic needle to find the position or time that best suits a particular person or event.
Although the concept of “magnetic field” is not mentioned in Feng Shui, the coordination of direction, orientation and spacing between the circles on the compass implies the law of “magnetic field”.
Signature is a fortune-telling tool used to ask for good luck and bad luck in the Chinese folk signing custom.
Today’s Taoist temples, temples and folk temples, most of the signage for people to draw the signage divination.

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